2020-2021 School Supply lists are now available under documents! https://5il.co/ikwi
over 4 years ago, Admin
We have a few yearbooks that are available for purchases at $40. If you would like one, please contact Mrs. Brannon at 918-775-2236.
over 4 years ago, Admin
Our 2020-2021 Return to Learn Plan and Enrollment Packet is now available under documents.
over 4 years ago, Admin
The 2020-2021 School Calendar is now available under documents!
over 4 years ago, Admin
2020-2021 School Calendar
Here is the link for the board meeting for July 15, 2020. Larry Calloway is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Larry Calloway's Zoom Meeting Time: Jul 15, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94665903036?pwd=NFFkN3ErQ1JXUzdZZUpqQy9lbk0vQT09 Meeting ID: 946 6590 3036 Password: 9NLynh
over 4 years ago, Admin
Graduation is this FRI at 7 pm.  Seniors need to be at the Football Field at 6:30 pm appropriately dressed in cap and gown.  Social distancing will be followed.  There are 3 seniors that need to be pick up their gowns at the High School by this Wednesday, July 15.  Call 918-775-2236 (GHS) to set up a time to get them. Masks are highly recommended but not required.  There will be no rehearsal, and you do not have to limit number of guests.  Seniors will be seated 6 feet apart on the football field away from the crowd.  Guests can bring lawn chairs on the field or sit in the bleachers. Please email or text Mrs. Bewley at fbewley@gans.k12.ok.us or 918-776-7463 ASAP that you have received this information.
over 4 years ago, Admin
Board meeting link and agenda for Special Meeting to be held on 07/13/20. Larry Calloway is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: July 13, Special Board Meeting (Open) Time: Jul 13, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94656835307?pwd=NWpSUi9WOUpnK0V2SWhXM0RHODA3QT09 Meeting ID: 946 5683 5307 Password: 7sQqwW
over 4 years ago, Admin
Board agenda 7/13/20
Board agenda 7/13/20
If you have not done so please take this survey for each student that will be enrolled at Gans for the 2020-2021 school year! https://forms.gle/Z5gHchYxHCJevY9b7
over 4 years ago, Admin
Board meeting link and agenda for 06/25/20. Larry Calloway is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Larry Calloway's Zoom Meeting Time: Jun 25, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96276234137?pwd=RUlTU2JwYnJETkFqQlk5YlVZSExZdz09 Meeting ID: 962 7623 4137 Password: 5HfpPS
over 4 years ago, Admin
Board agenda 6/25/20
Here is the link and board agenda for the 6/8/20 board meeting. The agenda can also be found under the document section. Larry Calloway is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: June 8, 2020 Open Board Meeting Time: Jun 8, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96532782854?pwd=RjMyRmhKSStyZUVqRVgyT3E5MnpPdz09 Meeting ID: 965 3278 2854 Password: 2EYcj1
over 4 years ago, Admin
Board agenda 6/8/20 pg 1
Board agenda 6/8/20 pg 2
We’re thrilled to announce Gans School District‘s app! It’s everything Gans, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/3ekmHtm or iPhone: https://apple.co/3gprP1c.
over 4 years ago, Fran Bewley
Students that are entering the 7th grade must have their Tdap booster before school starts. Unless you have an an approved exemption.
over 4 years ago, Admin
Topic: Larry Calloway's Zoom Meeting Time: May 11, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99962902445?pwd=RTF1V1U1NG5oU2pHR2FkcnpidGM0dz09 Meeting ID: 999 6290 2445 Password: 5w2Snm
over 4 years ago, Admin
Board Agenda 5/11/20
Student's belongings are now available for pickup by appointment. Call 918-775-2236 for more information. If your child has textbooks, library books, or uniforms they may be dropped off in the foyer area by Mrs. Bonnie's office at anytime.
over 4 years ago, Admin
Covid-19 FAQ for more information visit this link to the Oklahoma State Department of Education. https://sde.ok.gov/newsblog/2020-03-12/coronaviruscovid-19-faqs-oklahoma-public-schools
over 4 years ago, Admin
Board Agenda for April 13, 2020 can be found under documents. If you would like to attend virtually you may do so through this Zoom link. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/331670032?pwd=emxYSHBrVmZ3c25haFZndmU5cFpjUT09 Meeting ID: 331 670 032 Password: 017525
over 4 years ago, Admin
Parent and student concurrent enrollment information is now available in our document section.
over 4 years ago, Admin
Distance Learning Information!
over 4 years ago, Admin
Distance Learning
Gans School wil be serving grab and go breakfast and lunch starting tomorrow from 8:30 to Noon to any students 18 and younger. Also, if students are at home and parents are not able to pick up the meals they may call and make arrangements for meals to be delivered. We want meals to be available to everyone. To make arrangements you may call 918-775-2236 ext. 236 or 918-776-2135.
almost 5 years ago, Admin
Today, Monday, March 16th, the State Board of Education postponed operations for all Oklahoma Schools until Monday, April 6th. Effective immediately, all school activities are cancelled and all school facilities are closed. We are in the process of making instructional and food service decisions and will post them as soon as possible. Thank you for being patient during these uncertain times. You are encouraged to follow all safety precautions during this time so that our Gans students will all return safely to school on April 6th.
almost 5 years ago, Admin