Due to the possibility of inclement weather on Friday, January 12th, the Gans Basketball Homecoming ceremony has be rescheduled for Friday, February 2nd. As of right now the game against Arkoma scheduled for Friday will be played at 6:00 P.M. as schedulded. Any changes to scheduling will be posted on our social media and school website.
11 months ago, Tasha Holmes
Due to inclement weather, Gans Public School will have a Distance Learning Day today, Friday, January 5th. There will be no in person learning. Thank you.
12 months ago, Admin
Good Morning Gans Parents and Staff, This is a test message from Gans Public School. This messaging system will be used to alert parents and staff of emergencies, inclement weather, and other important announcements. We are currently testing our messaging system. If you did not receive a text or call, please email: apptegy@gans.k12.ok.us or call 918-775-5728. You can also go to your app store and download the Gans Public School app to receive notifications there as well. Thank you for you cooperation, we are diligently working to add tools to help improve communication between our school, parents and staff. Thank you, Regina Brannon
about 1 year ago, Regina Brannon
Veteran's Day Assembly!
about 1 year ago, Admin
veteran’s day
Attention Gans parents and community the Sequoyah County Sheriff’s Department has just issued a statement that our area is clear and we are now realeased from lockdown and there is no potential danger. Thank you for your patience and understanding our students safety is always our upmost concern. School will be released at the regular time. Thank You Regina Brannon, Superintendent
about 1 year ago, Admin
At around 12:15 PM today Wednesday, October 25, 2023 Gans School administration received information from the Sequoyah County Sheriff’s Department that a Fed Ex truck had been stolen and abandoned on Old Mountain Rd near Gans. Out of precaution our school has gone into lockdown procedures with no one entering or leaving our buildings. Please do not attempt to pick your students at this time. I will keep you posted on any new information that comes available. At this time our students are safe and in no apparent danger. Thank you Regina Brannon, Superintendent
about 1 year ago, Admin
Information on Parent Teacher Conferences & Fall Break
about 1 year ago, Tasha Holmes
PT Conference
Congratulations to Mr. Lee for winning the We Love Teachers Award from Arvest Bank!
about 1 year ago, Tasha Holmes
Mr. Lee
Pre-K 3-3rd grade Meet & Greet will be August 8, 2023 from 5-6PM. Come meet your teachers and drop off your school supplies!
over 1 year ago, Admin
High School enrollment/ class schedules will be on the following dates: Monday July 31st Seniors 9-11 Monday July 31st Juniors 1-3 Tuesday August 1st Sophomores 9-11 Tuesday August 1st Freshman 1-3 Wednesday August 2nd 9-11 anyone who missed their day.
over 1 year ago, Admin
School Supply Lists for the 2023-2024 school year are now available!
over 1 year ago, Admin
23-24 School Supply Lists
Starting tomorrow, July 19, 2023. The 2023 Seniors will be able to pick up their diplomas in Mrs. Melinda's office Monday- Thursday between the hours of 9-2.
over 1 year ago, Admin
Gans Public School is taking applications for the following positions.
over 1 year ago, Tasha Holmes
Dear Gans School Parents and Community Members: The Oklahoma Highway Patrol will be supporting Oklahoma Schools by being on our campuses on a weekly basis to be visible in an effort to keep our schools safe. If you see a Highway Patrol car at our school, it does not mean that there is an issue, just that they are here to add an extra layer of safety. As you already know Gans School has a Sequouah County Sheriff's Department Resource Officer on a daily basis on our campus, and we have the support and services of the Gans Police Department. We welcome our Hwy. Patrol Officers as part of our school safety team. Sincerely, Regina Brannon
over 1 year ago, Admin
hwy patrol
Gans Parents, At approximately 2:30 pm today a post was made on our school Facebook page that said "someone was going to blow this place up". The post has been deemed not credible and the account that posted it was a fake account. This threat is being investigated by the Sequoyah County Sheriffs Dept. and we will keep you updated as soon as we have more information. Out of an abundance of caution, we have reported the incident to the Sequoyah County Sheriffs Dept. and in addition to our school deputy, other deputies will be on campus until students are released to go home. Again, all precautions are being taken and student safety is our utmost concern. Parents and visitors will not be allowed to pick up students inside the building, but may be called to the office for pickup. Thank you, Regina Brannon, Principal 918-775-2236
over 1 year ago, Admin
Important Enrollment Information!
over 1 year ago, Admin
We are now taking orders for softball and baseball shirts! Order forms are due Wednesday, March 8, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Admin
sb, bb order form
Due to inclement weather we will continue to be virtual tomorrow, Thursday, February 2, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Admin
Due to inclement weather we will continue to be virtual tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1, 2023. Students will need to check their Google Classroom for assignments.
almost 2 years ago, Admin
Due to more inclement weather set to move in we will continue to be virtual tomorrow, Tuesday, January 31, 2023. Students will need to check their Google Classroom for assignments.
almost 2 years ago, Admin